Use "ten minutes|ten minute" in a sentence

1. Ten, 15 minutes.

2. Ten minutes, sir.

3. 1 Homeroom lasts for ten minutes.

4. Ten minutes, it' s just pegged

5. There were only ten minutes remaining.

6. Geoff steamed in ten minutes late.

7. The trains come every ten minutes.

8. Each speaker is allotted ten minutes.

9. He couldn't speak for ten minutes.

10. Grill the sausages for ten minutes.

11. Barcelona was ahead after ten minutes.

12. They checked out ten minutes ago.

13. The lecturer overran by ten minutes.

14. Ten minutes ago I had a job.

15. He should be back in ten minutes.

16. 6 The fish broiled for ten minutes.

17. He screamed for a good ten minutes

18. It'll take me longer than ten minutes.

19. Our meeting was delayed for ten minutes.

20. I can't make it in ten minutes.

21. We loaded the car in ten minutes.

22. The singer got a ten - minute standing ovation.

23. The beach is a leisurely ten-minute stroll away.

24. Our steamer for London leaves in ten minutes!

25. The shops are only a ten-minute stroll away.

26. 4 took ten minutes, making him the slowest.

27. The next ten minutes passed in general conversation.

28. A ten-minute power nap can boost your productivity.

29. The hounds will be released in ten minutes.

30. The terrorists were given ten minutes to surrender.

31. After ten minutes, no more, add capers and parsley.

32. Five, ten minutes ahead of us, at the most.

33. I can get us across in ten minutes flat.

34. This place is gonna burn down in ten minutes.

35. By my reckoning, we should arrive in ten minutes.

36. After an hour and ten minutes, Houdini emerged free.

37. Keep the potatoes on the simmer for ten minutes.

38. Allow the soup to simmer gently for ten minutes.

39. Spend five or ten minutes glancing through the book.

40. Ten minutes later she appeared on the distant seashore.

41. Just sit tight - I'll be there in ten minutes.

42. She knocked up a fantastic meal in ten minutes.

43. She embroidered on this theme for about ten minutes.

44. He's been given a regular ten - minute slot on the radio.

45. It's just coming up to ten minutes past eleven now.

46. The calming effect seemed to last for about ten minutes.

47. Ten minutes later I was down on the private beach.

48. It is to be delivered as a ten-minute instruction talk.

49. I have a make-up test in, like, ten minutes.

50. Our train puffed away from the station ten minutes late.

51. Having to wait for ten minutes was a minor inconvenience.

52. The train came miraculously in ten minutes, a short wait.

53. Two tablespoons of mustard, ten minutes and then it's ready.

54. The students accomplished the task in less than ten minutes.

55. The first stage begins with crampy abdominal or back pains that last around half a minute and occur every ten to thirty minutes.

56. "Let's take a ten-minute recess", the judge said, pounding his gavel.

57. Only pedant spends the ten minutes between classes in his seat.

58. Bake for ten minutes until the pastry is crisp and golden.

59. Regardless, a timer will automatically wake you up in ten minutes.

60. It's about ten minutes down the road, fifteen at the most.

61. In summer the trains run as often as every ten minutes.

62. After about ten minutes the hygrometer should register 99% relative humidity.

63. For some ten minutes of it he tried loyally to sleep.

64. The robbery lasted about ten minutes, and no shooting was involved.

65. There are beautiful mountains not more than ten minutes' drive away.

66. They larded many commercials into a ten - minute period before the soap opera.

67. After about ten minutes, he took a dirt road into some woods.

68. Onset is typically immediate and effects last for up to ten minutes.

69. There was as much as a ten-minute wait for a dial tone.

70. Empty the soup into a saucepan and simmer gently for ten minutes.

71. Germany scored twice in the last ten minutes to clinch the championship.

72. Ten minutes later, some of runners in the race began to lag.

73. I'm just going to stretch out on the couch for ten minutes.

74. 24 Poach the pears in apple juice for perhaps ten minutes at most.

75. He stalled the police for ten minutes so his accomplice could get away.

76. Some ten minutes before the scheduled time for landing the aircraft started rocking.

77. First the meditator engages in ten minutes of rapid breathing through the nose.

78. Bring the mixture to the boil, then let it simmer for ten minutes.

79. Mason's farm is about ten minutes' drive out of the town of

80. Mason's farm is about ten minutes' drive out of the town of Taber.